22. Juli 2002

ZIMBABWE: Europäische Union verschärft Sanktionen

Während der 2447. Sitzung des Rates für Allgemeine und Auswärtige Angelegenheiten verschärften die Außenminister der EU am 22. Juli in Brüssel die am 18. Februar verhängten "gezielten Sanktionsmaßnahmen" gegen die staatliche Führungsspitze Zimbabwes. Anstatt von 26 sind nunmehr 45 Personen - darunter sämtliche Regierungsmitglieder sowie die Ehefrau des Staatspräsidenten, Grace Mugabe - vom Einreiseverbot in die EU betroffen. Die getroffenen handelspolitischen Maßnahmen bleiben aufrecht.- Die Erklärung (nach dem provisorischen Protokoll) lautet im Wortlaut:

Council meeting General Affairs and External Relations

Brussels, 22 July 2002

Zimbabwe - Council Conclusions

"1. The Council reiterated its deep concerns regarding the situation in Zimbabwe, particularly the social and political polarisation, the impasse in the inter-party dialogue between the ZANU-PF and the Movement for Democratic Change, the violations of human rights and the restrictions on the media as well as the deteriorating economic situation caused largely by the policies of the Zimbabwean authorities which impacts negatively on the living conditions of the Zimbabwean people.

2. Against this background, the Council decided to expand the list of persons affected by targeted sanctions as referred to in the Council Common Position of 18 February 2002 concerning restrictive measures against Zimbabwe to include all remaining Cabinet Ministers, Politburo Secretaries, Deputy Ministers, Assistant Secretaries of the Politburo and the spouse of President Mugabe, Ms. Grace Mugabe.

3. The Council furthermore reviewed its decision of 18 February 2002 to take appropriate measures with reference to Article 96 in the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement. The Council concluded that current conditions in Zimbabwe do not ensure respect for human rights, democratic principles and the rule of law. Therefore the Council decided to continue these measures unchanged. The Council reiterated that contributions to operations of a humanitarian nature and projects in direct support of the population, in particular those in the social sectors, are not affected.

4. The Council stressed that emergency food aid should under no circumstances be used as a political tool. The Council therefore requests the Commission in consultation with Member States, other donors, NGOs and the UN to draw up concrete guidelines for food distribution in Zimbabwe to ensure a strictly depoliticised distribution.

5. The Council again stressed the importance of close cooperation and a continued dialogue on all levels with SADC partners and other international partners on the crisis in Zimbabwe. The EU will use all available possibilities to discuss and express its concern about the situation in Zimbabwe. The Council stressed the importance of the upcoming EU-SADC Ministerial Conference in Copenhagen 7 and 8 November 2002 as part of the ongoing dialogue with these countries on the issues affecting Southern Africa. The Council asked the Presidency to continue the preparations of the conference.

6. Whilst recognising the need to reduce poverty by redressing the historical imbalance in land distribution in Zimbabwe, the Council condemns the ongoing fast track land reform policy as a major cause of the present humanitarian crisis. The Council urges the Zimbabwean Government to implement the process agreed at Abuja in September 2001 and to review its fast track land reform as proposed by UNDP in early 2002. It also urges the Zimbabwean Government to take all appropriate measures to respond to the humanitarian emergency by mobilising its own resources and to ensure that food is distributed impartially to all in need.

7. The EU will continue to expand its humanitarian assistance to the people of Zimbabwe and to respond to the United Nations consolidated humanitarian appeal. It reiterates that civil society, NGOs and other stakeholders should be included in the implementation and monitoring of the relief effort." (EU-Website)


URL: http://www.sadocc.at/sadocc.at/news2002/2002-235.shtml
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