May 1, 2005

Zimbabwe to pull plug on brain-drain

The Zimbabwe government is trying to keep graduates to work in government service. Many professionals would be bonded to government institutions after they have graduated in a bid to stop them leaving for better-paid jobs outside Zimbabwe, the Sunday Mail reported. "The government will soon compel professionals trained using state resources in universities, polytechnics and colleges to work in the civil service for some time before they can be allowed to join the private sector or legally work in other countries," the paper said. Likely to be affected are workers in the health sector, lawyers, engineers and technicians, where labour shortages are highest. Washington Mbizvo, an official in the country's ministry of higher education, said the recommendations have been forwarded to President Robert Mugabe. "The whole exercise involved nine ministries which came up with the recommendations and the document has already been submitted to the chief secretary to the president and cabinet," he said. Zimbabwe has had to resort to hiring expatriate doctors from Cuba and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). (News24, South Africa)


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