April 16, 2004

Minimum wage up 14%

The minimum wage for industry, services and the civil service is increased by 14%, to 1,120,297 meticais ($46.70) a month. The minimum wage has been steadily increasing in real terms, and is now double the 1996 level, which was $23.70 per month.

The minimum wage for agricultural workers rises by 15% to 805,361 meticais ($33.6) a month.. The government promised the 14% rise for all low paid workers in the state apparatus - anyone earning up to 1,976,000 meticais a month. State employees earning more than this will only receive a 10 per cent rise. The substantial increase comes despite demands from the IMF that the government restrict wage increases and employment in the public sector. (Mozambique Bulletin, London)


URL: http://www.sadocc.at/sadocc.at/news/2004-134.shtml
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